If you've spent any time on social media over the last year, you'll know that the aurora borealis is going absolutely bonkers right now. We're at, or close to, the peak of Solar Cycle 25 and it's yielding some of the most dramatic northern lights shows seen in decades.
I've been photographing, and guiding photo trips to see, the northern lights for many years now and I've assembled an A to Z podcast for photographing the aurora borealis, regardless of the level of photographer you are currently. Whether you're using a smartphone, or an advanced mirrorless or DSLR camera, this podcast episode is packed with lots of useful information to get you spectacular photos of the northern lights.
And if photographing the northern lights is on your bucket list, in addition to learning how-to, shoot me an email (courtwhelan@gmail.com) and I'd love to make some recommendations on top places and top outfits for how to best photograph lady aurora.
Hope to see you out there!